Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 9: Creative Content

"The advertiser must next develop a compelling creative concept—or “big idea”—that will bring the message strategy to life in a distinctive and memorable way. The creative concept may emerge as a visualization, a phrase, or a combination of the two."(Marketing:An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; pg. 28)
For On the Rocks, we have created a unique bottle that has a ice chilling look. The label is visually pleasing and not overwhelming. It is simple and easy to read. We have also included the rocks that you freeze instead of ice. We wanted it to be easy to get that natural experience without that watered down taste. We do not want you to just pour a shot, slam it and leave. Our vodka is to be enjoyed, savoring every sip. The whole purpose of On the Rocks is the natural experience of a luxury vodka.

Marketing Mix: Promotion

"Sales promotions are usually used together with advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, or other promotion mix tools. Consumer promotions must usually be advertised and can add excitement and pulling power to ads."(Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 13 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion; page 38 of 49)
On the Rocks will have a off road team to promote it all over the United States. We will also have some of the biggest advertising agents such as Las Vegas Casinos, New York restaurants, and any other luxury company out there that will get the chance to sell our product. We will also use business promotions such as conventions, promotional parties, and functional gatherings.
"Companies spend billions of dollars each year on promotion to industrial customers."(Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 13 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion; page 43 of 49

Target Market Strategy

A marketing strategy consists of specific strategies for target markets, positioning, the marketing mix, and marketing expenditure levels."(2 Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to ... ; Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; pg33)
The first marketing strategy we will use is to give a sample bottle of On the Rocks to all the High Rollers that check into the casinos or make reservations at a luxury restaurant. Just a compliment of On the Rocks. Maybe give the first glass free, on us, so the customer can enjoy the experience. We are confident that after the first sip, it will leave your taste buds wanting more. 
"It outlines how the company intends to create value for target customers in order to capture value in return." ( Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 2 Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to ... ; pg33)
Our target customers are those who are looking for a luxury drink that will give them a chance to relax and enjoy the experience. This is a vodka that people in a business meeting would sip on or over a luxury dinner with there wife. We want every customer who experiences On the Rocks to think of it as the most natural experience they have ever had with each and every sip.

Marketing Mix: Distribution

"By contrast, some producers purposely limit the number of intermediaries handling their products. The extreme form of this practice is exclusive distribution, in which the producer gives only a limited number of dealers the exclusive right to distribute its products in their territories. Exclusive distribution is often found in the distribution of luxury brands and brands.  ( Marketing: An introduction; Armstong/Kotler; 10 Marketing Channels Delivering Customer Value;page 25 of 50)"
On the Rocks is going to be exclusively distributed. We want our product in places were our customers are going to be able to enjoy the experience they will receive from our vodka. "Exclusive distribution also enhances the brand’s image and allows for higher markups.( Marketing: An introduction; Armstong/Kotler; 10 Marketing Channels Delivering Customer Value;page 25 of 50)" If there is one thing we don't want is to be on a shelf in a fast pace bar, poured over ice to get watered down, and slammed. That would defeat the whole purpose of our experience, the natural taste On the Rocks.
"Giving a limited number of dealers the exclusive right to distribute the company’s products in their territories."( Marketing: An introduction; Armstong/Kotler;10 Marketing Channels Delivering Customer Value;page 26 of 50)
By having exclusive distribution, we will gain stronger dealer selling support and more control over dealers prices, services, and promotions. It will also enhance our brand's image.

Situation or SWOT Analysis

"The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis, by which it evaluates the company’s overall strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T). Strengths include internal capabilities, resources, positive situational factors that may help the company to serve its customers and achieve its objectives."(Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 2 Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to ... pg. 31)
One of our biggest strengths is going to be able to serve a luxury vodka without watering it down so you get the full experience of the natural taste.
"Weaknesses include internal limitations and negative situational factors that may interfere with the company’s performance." (Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 2 Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to ... pg. 31)
The weakness of our vodka may be that the customer will have to keep the rocks frozen if they are going to serve our product.They might not want to take that extra step to give the customer the full experience.
"Opportunities are favorable factors or trends in the external environment that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage." (Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 2 Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to ... pg. 31)
Our opportunities are endless. There are several luxury casinos, lounges, bars and restaurants. Since we are all natural, we shouldn't have a problem. 
"And threats are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges to performance."(Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 2 Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to ... pg. 31)
Some of our threats may be our price or the fact we do not want you to use ice. For the most part, we believe our vodka will be a popular luxury vodka.


"These objectives should be based on past decisions about the target market, positioning, and the marketing mix, which define the job that advertising must do in the total marketing program. The overall advertising objective is to help build customer relationships by communicating customer value. "(Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 12 Communicating Customer Value Advertising 19 of 53)
On the Rocks objectives are here to target high end casinos, lounges, bars and restaurants all over the united states. That means our clients will be willing to spend a little money for our luxury vodka. The reason for this is because we want you to enjoy the experience. We do not want you to slam a shot of our vodka and go about your business. We want you to stay, converse, and relax. On the Rocks is to be enjoyed, savoring every sip you take. The price is going to be reasonable for were we will be distributing it. We are hoping once you taste it, you will spread the word on how wonderful the experience is and diffidently be back for more.
"Advertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose—whether the aim is to inform, persuade, or remind." (Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 12 Communicating Customer Value Advertising 19 of 53)


Marketing Mix: Product

"We define a product as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. Products include more than just tangible objects, such as cars, computers, or cell phones." (Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 7 Products, Services, and Brands Building Custo...; page 3 of 55)
Our vodka is the unique blend of  water found in the deepest aquifers and barley imported from Finland. Plus a hint of fresh mint to give it that natural taste. It has a 40 % alcohol content and will be sold in three different sizes. We also include the rocks you freeze, instead of using ice. Why would you want to water down such a natural taste? The experience of our vodka is worth the hassle of freezing the rocks. After you take that first sip of On the Rocks, you will know what we are talking about. It will leave you taste buds wanting more.
"Broadly defined, “products” also include services, events, persons, places, organizations, ideas, or mixes of these." (Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 7 Products, Services, and Brands Building Custo...; page 3 of 55 ) 

Marketing Mix: Price

"Pricing may play an important role in helping to accomplish company objectives at many levels. A firm can set prices to attract new customers or to profitably retain existing ones. It can set prices low to prevent competition from entering the market or set prices at competitors’ levels to stabilize the market."(Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler; 9 Pricing Understanding and Capturing Customer ...; pg. 18 of 59 )
On the Rocks is looking to exist in luxury casinos, lounges, bars and restaurants. So we have to set our price to compete with the other luxury vodkas out there. We are also taking into consideration the fact that we are an all natural vodka. Our ingredients are from the purest places. Our bottles are one of a kind. They are not like most bottles. Plus we include the rocks used in place of ice. Taking all of that into consideration, we are looking at a price around $89.99 for a 1.75 liter.
"Some psychologists argue that each digit has symbolic and visual qualities that should be considered in pricing. Thus, 8 is round and even and creates a soothing effect, whereas 7 is angular and creates a jarring effect."(Marketing: An Introduction; Armstrong/Kotler;9 Pricing Understanding and Capturing Customer ... page 42 of 59)    
Since On the Rocks has a lot of round letters and we decided to price our product at $89.99, we feel this psychologist may be right about these creating a soothing effect. So this could make our product as soothing to buy as it is to consume.

Implementation Evaluation Control

"To be good at customer relationship management, a company must also be good at partner relationship management."(Marketing: An Introduction for Education;10 Marketing Channels Delivering Customer Value; page 1 of 5) 
Here at On the Rocks, we plan on maintaining a very close relationship with our partners in the other company departments to form an effective internal value chain that serves the customer. We want to have an external delivery service that can effectively market our product. By using all of our marketing mixes: Product, Distribution, Promotion, and Price, On the Rocks should be able to compete with the other luxury vodkas out there.
"Still, implementation is difficult—it is often easier to think up good marketing strategies than it is to carry them out."(Marketing: An Introduction for Education; 2 Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to ... page 33 of 43)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Week 10 BOC & EOC: Who is Les Paul?

Les Paul had a significant impact on the jazz world. Before he he recorded multi-layered hits for the pop market, Les was a brilliant jazz guitarist. Not being able to read music, he had a magnificent ear and inate sense of structure, composing complete arrangements in his head before setting them to disc or tape. Even in the 40's and 50's in many of Les's pop hits you can hear a jazz sensibility at work. No doubt his brassy style gave critics a bad time, but the gregarious, garrulous Paul didn't much care; he was bent on showing his audiences a good time.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Week 9: Three Mission Statements

A mission statement is a statement of the organization's purpose-what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment. A clear mission statement acts as an "invisible hand" that guides people in the organization.

 Alyson Lefkowitz  :

“Ergo is the movement: organic, all-natural vodka that helps create a more sustainable global environment. Ergo is the memories one creates when the party doesn't stop. Ergo is what you make of it.”   I like the fact that Alyson’s vodka in not just a drink but it has a whole experience that goes along with it. It is vodka that keeps the party going. Seem like you would find this in several different clubs and maybe even bars. 

"We utilize eye-catching materials for our production and storage processes in order to further captivate the eye of the vodka connoisseur." I think Garrett has a great idea in making it eye-catching. I am wondering how he is going to go about that. What is going to make his more eye-catching than anyone elses. 

"Toxic Vodka will be about more than just a great tasting drink, it will be about the lifestyle, for those who never  fear  the Toxic." This is directed towards young adults and I think it is going to be a great idea. Going after the lifestyle put together with a great taste of vodka could be a success.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 8 EOC: What is special about my Vodka?

On the Rocks Vodka is one of the finest and naturalist vodkas. The water comes from aquifers that are fifteen hundred or more feet below the surface so the water is so pure we do not have to change it in any way. If it is already natures best what is the point of changing it. The barley is imported from Finland, due to the pure environment. The air, land and water that the barley is touched by is in pristine condition. The midnight sun ripens the barley to a beautiful gold. When we combine the hint of mint, pure water and the gold barley it creates the finest and naturalist vodka. It comes displayed in a very unique bottle that has that ice cold look. This vodka is served to the High Rollers in the casinos of Las Vegas to the most elegant restaurants in New York City. When served, it is poured over ice cold rocks so you get the full flavor of the vodka without the watered down taste. That is why it is the most natural vodka On the Rocks.

Business Mission Statement

"At the corporate level, the company starts the strategic planning process by defining its overall purpose and mission."(Marketing: An Introduction, Armstrong/Kotler;2 Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to ... page 5 of 43) 
"It is our responsibility to make, distribute and sell the finest quality all natural, hand selected Vodka and with a continued commitment to incorporate wholesome, all natural ingredients and promote business practices that respect the Earth and the Environment. Which in turn, will give you the most natural experience On the Rocks."
" A mission statement is a statement of the organization's purpose-what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment. A clear mission statement acts as an "invisible hand" that guides people in the organization."(Marketing: An Introduction, Armstrong/Kotler, page 5)
I believe that our mission statement lets people know that our product is all natural. There are no hidden additives or chemicals that changed the flavor or look. All we want is for you to experience the finest taste of all natural ingredients On the Rocks.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Vodka Pitch

On the Rocks Vodka

From the High Rollers of Las Vegas to the elegant restaurants in New York City, On the Rocks is one of the most respected Vodkas due to its natural taste. The water comes from the deepest aquifers found in the United States. Why the deepest aquifers because the water is in pristine condition and nature has already filtered it. We then use the finest barley imported from Finland, were the land is so pure and the air pristine. The barley slowly ripens into strands of gold under the glow of the midnight sun. Then we combined the finest water with the finest barley to create the most natural. For our final touch, we give it a hint of mint and gently pour it over frozen rocks so you get the full flavor of the vodka On the Rocks.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 6 EOC: Me x 3

    Who does the majority of the shopping in your home? It's said that woman do the most of the shopping. Woman do all of the shopping for almost everything. From groceries to clothes to whatever else you can think of.
    Since this about Me and three things I purchase, I will have to narrow it down. For starters, I enjoy getting my nails done. It makes my hands look good and I like the compliments I get on them. Plus I enjoy taking time out for me away from my crazy house and this is one of the only ways I can do that. One hour every other week is mine, all mine.
   The second thing is clothes shopping for my girls. I enjoy shopping for them because when I was little I always had hand me downs or a very small amount I had to spend on clothes. there is one exception though, I am a clearance shopper. I love the clearance racks. When I walk in a store that is the first place I go. My daughters know that is the were we are to look first to. It makes me laugh because they head straight there.
   The last thing is food. In my house we on the healthy side. In the last nine months my family has changed our eating plain. We have went from eating out three times a day, seven days a week, to one time a week for one meal. I cook every other meal. We have turkey burger, chicken, fish, veggies, fruit, and a lot of water. The one dinner we eat out is our what we call "cheat night". We can have whatever we want plus desert if we choose. We have lost weight and gained energy by doing this. We love it.
   So those are the three things that I enjoy buying for me and my family. I couldn't really narrow it down to just me because it isn't just about me. I have a family and when you have a family they are always a part of everything you do!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 5 EOC: Sony Sleuth Marketing

"Sony has admitted that it shut down its PlayStation Network last week because it discovered a "non-gaming" intrusion into the system, but had not realised until late on Tuesday – following forensic security testing – that the breach had led to the theft of the data of the 77 million users." If I was a Sony customer, Sony better be offering me something for them letting my information out. I know they did not just give my information out but it was Sony's lack of firewall that let the hacker get it."The company has hinted that it may refund users for lost services and games." If this is all Sony is going to give it's customers, then they better think again. Refunding for lose of service and games and they think that is going to satisfy all 77 millions customers. Sony better come up with more than that. Peoples privet information was hacked into, giving someone access to everything. I think Sony should somehow give a little bit more then just a refund. Maybe some free games or a few hundred dollars in gift cards. Sure some people may be okay with just a refund but a lot more are not going to be happy. "With thousands of gamers livid that their details have been compromised, the Sony FAQ does briefly address the question of refunds on subscriptions and purchases: "When the full services are restored and the length of the outage is known, we will assess the correct course of action."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 4: There's an App For That

   There are so many apps, how is it possible for anyone to come up with a new one? Lets just think of what we would like our phone to do that you don't think it can do now. Well lets see, how many times have you come out of the store and forgot were you parked your car? If they could put a tracking device in the sticker you put on your license plate for registration, then you could have an app that tracks it. You simply put your license plate number in and it finds your car. Yes you could use you panic button on your key pad but then that brings embarrassment to you. Plus not all cars have a key pad.
   The second app would be PetTtracker.  Everyone can put a micro chip in their pet but now you can use the app to track them. Simply put you micro chip number in you phone and it tracks you pet. It would be like a map that showed you exactly were you pet was. That way if you lose you pet or it gets stolen, you have PetTracker. The new way to keep track of your pet.
   Lastly, there should be an app for you wallet or purse. It could even go as far as you credit cards. A little micro chip is installed and now if it gets lost or stolen you can track it. You would be able to see were you left it or were it is running to. So many people lose or have their things stolen that a tracking device is the greatest thing ever. You would be the only one with your tracking number so no one else could track you.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

"The Generation Xers are defined as much by their shared experiences as by their age. Increasing parental divorce rates and higher employment for their mothers made them the first generation of latchkey kids. Although they seek success, they are less materialistic; they prize experience, not acquisition. For many of the Gen Xers that are parents, family comes first—both children and their aging parents—and career second. From a marketing standpoint, the Gen Xers are a more skeptical bunch. They tend to research products before they consider a purchase, preferring quality over quantity, and they tend to be less receptive to overt marketing pitches.
Once labeled as “the MTV generation” and viewed as body-piercing slackers who whined about “McJobs,” the Gen Xers have grown up and are now taking over. They are increasingly displacing the lifestyles, culture, and values of the baby boomers. They are the most educated generation to date and they possess hefty annual purchasing power. However, like the baby boomers, the Gen Xers now face growing economic pressures. Like almost everyone else these days, they are spending more carefully. ("
    I am not your typical Generation X person. My parents are still married and my mom stayed home with us. I prefer quantity over quality and I really don't research anything before I buy it. The only thing that fits me best out of the definition is I am less materialistic. It's not what you have, it's who you are.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week 3 EOC: Making Money for Good

 I am a frequent shopper at Target and the are always donating to something. Education is were there biggest donation goes. I am big on education for the simple fact that education is the key to success.
"In terms of giving cash as a percentage of income, Target was followed closely in the ranking of top contributors by a host of national retailing chains and consumer products companies putting up cash for charities. Those charities ranged from educational programs in local communities to support for environmental causes."
Since our children are our future, they need all the help we can give. They didn't ask to be here so those that need help should have the option to get it.
"Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United States and around the world. Recognized for our commitment to accountability, innovation and collaboration, our work takes us into the heart of communities, where we help children and families help themselves. We work with other organizations, governments, non-profits and a variety of local partners while maintaining our own independence without political agenda or religious orientation."
This organization comes close to home for me. My mother and great aunt both had breast cancer. I am a strong contributor to breast cancer. 
"Susan G. Komen fought breast cancer with her heart, body and soul. Throughout her diagnosis, treatments, and endless days in the hospital, she spent her time thinking of ways to make life better for other women battling breast cancer instead of worrying about her own situation. That concern for others continued even as Susan neared the end of her fight. Moved by Susan’s compassion for others and committed to making a difference, Nancy G. Brinker promised her sister that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever." 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 2 EOC: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

Vidoegame makers can't dodge recession, according to The Wall Street Journal. But the recession has clearly exacerbated the falloff. "It's highlighting the weak months because if people don't really have a reason to go out to the store, they're not," said John Taylor, a financial analyst for Arcadia Investment Corp. in Portland, Ore., alluding to the industry's tendency to see the biggest sales during the year-end holiday season."" Downloading ps3 games is the way to go if you want to save some serious cash. But watch out! some sites charge on a pay per download basis, and other sites just just don't work very well. They can either be too slow, or not have a good download selection. To avoid this, come visit our site at so that you can start downloading ps3 games that actually work! Analysts expect Sony to cut the price on its PS3 by about $100 this year, leading to price cuts by Microsoft on some of its Xbox 360 models. The PS3 starts at about $400, compared with the equivalent Xbox 360, which costs about $300. Though Nintendo has said it won't cut prices on its $250 Wii this year, it is expected to do so indirectly by bundling games with the console.""
So it looks like the PS3 is the Star of Marketing. It offers the most out of its console. XBox 360 would be the Question Mark. Microsoft may have to lower prices on it to keep it out there. Rockband is the Cash Cow and Wii is the dog. Now keep in mind this is my analysis of the situation. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week 1 Eoc: My Voice

Keri Blackmon is a native of Las Vegas, NV. She is currently enrolled at The Art Institute of Las Vegas, majoring in Digital Photography. Keri is currently photographing at weddings, parties, special events and sports games. Her passion is photographing special events, such as off-road races. She likes the action of the race and catching that one of a kind photo. Keri also enjoys wedding photography. Being able to get those,’ in the moment’ photos. Eventually when Keri graduates, she planes to travel the Ultra4 Racing competitions and publish her photos in a magazine. In the off season, she will take those ‘in the moment’ photos at weddings.

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service

One of my greatest customer service experiences was when I went to Centennial Toyota. Usually when you go to a car dealership, you get attacked by salesman. Well not this time. We were able to walk around and shop before a salesman came out to talk to us. When he came out, he had water in hand and asked us," Would you like to keep looking or would you like to drive one?" First time we were given a chance to keep looking or not. We drove the car I wanted, did paperwork, and were out of there in one hour.  The salesman was amazing and had great customer service.